L’impatto di Brexit sul Fintech di Londra

Transferwise e’ una startup (ormai direi non piu visto il business consolidato e la quantita’ di soldi che muove ogni mese: 1bln £) fondata nel 2011 a Londra, nel cuore della pulsante FinTech (La tecnofinanza, o tecnologia finanziaria è la fornitura di servizi e prodotti finanziari attraverso le più avanzate tecnologie dell’informazione (ICT). ). Continue reading L’impatto di Brexit sul Fintech di Londra

Mercato Immobiliare UK e Londinese 2017. Previsioni e analisi

bEccovi un bel video sull’analisi immobiliare del 2017. Mercato inglese e in particolare Londinese.

Ovviamente ricordiamoci che l’autore lavora nel settore e deve promorre una visione positiva del mercato, detto questo comunque vale la pena sentire la sua versione e chiedersi cosa succedera’ in futuro. Continue reading Mercato Immobiliare UK e Londinese 2017. Previsioni e analisi

Volete lavorare a Praga e siete bilingue o multilingue?


Bilingual People International Language Recruitment Fair
Date: 22nd April 2017
Location: Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague
Registration link:

REGISTER NOW, whether you are Bilingual / Multilingual and are looking for your ‘Dream Job’across the Czech Republic or if you are looking to kik start your career, don’t miss our Bilingual People International Language Recruitment Fair happening in Prague on Saturday 22nd April at the Clarion Congress Hotel.

Are you Bilingual / Multilingual?

If you speak two or more languages (especially if you are fluent in: German, Dutch, French, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish) the event is a great way to showcase your language skills, and get that new job you are looking for. At the fair, you’ll have the opportunity to meet recruiters fromleading international companies face-to-face, apply for positions and drop your CV with a possibility of recruiters giving you an interview on the day.

Confirmed Exhibitors include:

CDK Global
Johnson & Johnson s.r.o
Non Stop Recruitment

Why should you attend the event?

•    Meet Local and International companies that are interested in recruiting for people with language skills, both for positions in Prague, and also throughout Czech Republic.
•    Apply and discuss opportunities for a wide range of positions across many industry specifications including Sales, Customer Service, IT, Tech Support, Accountancy/Finance, Graduate and more
•    You will be able to meet leading Employers as well as Recruitment Agencies under one roof, saving you time and energy when looking for your new job!
•    You will be able to talk to leading employers and agencies face-to-face and discuss a wide range of employment opportunities.
•    Bring your CV – this is essential and will be requested by most companies and recruitment agencies if you are interested in applying for active jobs
•    Attend various Seminars and Presentations given by industry experts and recruiters throughout the day.
•    Come and meet recruiters from our Gold Sponsors, Amazon and CDK Global who will be attending the fair in order to hire talented professionals with language skills for their open positions.

When and Where

The Fair will be held at the Clarion Congress Hotel, on the 22nd April – for one day only (10am – 4pm).

E-ticket: http://www.bilingualpeople.cz/candidate/register

Please note all tickets are free, they are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Lavorare in ostello

Lavorare in un ostello può essere una buona soluzione temporanea per trasferirsi all’estero.

Avrete vitto e alloggio incluso e entrerete subito a contatto con la cultura locale, e cosa più importante conoscerete moltissima gente il che vi permetterà di stringere delle amicizie e ottenere contatti utili in tutti i sensi, sia lavorativi che personali! Continue reading Lavorare in ostello