Tag Archives: quali sono i lavori del futuro

Previsioni sul futuro dalla WFS

La World Future Society è un’organizzazione no profit americana il cui obiettivo è capire, investigare e predire i comportamenti della nostra società e le sue possibili evoluzioni.

Eccovi alcuni punti significativi tratti dal loro ultimo report Outlook 2013:

  • Money and even cash will still exist by 2100. 
  • Many recently lost jobs may never come back, but there’s still a future for work. 
  • Career “paths” will become patchwork pieces. Baby boomers’ future career trajectories will more resemble a lattice than a ladder, with more lateral moves on the way up. For younger generations, it will be more of a patchwork quilt: multiple jobs stitched together to form a more flexible work environment.

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