Se non sai cosa vuoi dalla TUA VITA cosa credi otterrai?

Una nave senza meta sara’ sempre preda dei venti e delle correnti.

Cambiare la propria vita, nel senso di avventurarsi in un paese straniero richiede molto coraggio, spirito di adattamento ( e chi piu ne ha piu ne metta).

Ora la mia domanda e’ “perche’ vi siete trasferiti all’estero o perche’ intendete farlo?”

Vi lascio riflettere con una bellissima quote presa dal Napoleon Hill Foundation.

If you don’t know what you want from life, what do you think you will get?

The great majority of people in the world drift through life, never realizing that their future will be the one they create for themselves. The minority who achieve great success are people who know what they want and have a plan for realizing their objectives. They know what they want and how they are going to get it. Your goals should be specific, they should be measurable, they should have a deadline for their achievement, and they should be divided into manageable pieces. Know exactly what you plan to achieve, when you plan to achieve it, and how. Review your progress regularly, correct your course when necessary, and never, ever give up.

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