@edindk7899 lo trovate su Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@UCFJYQQHEr8y_jwiFJ2e1teg
Intervista in cui parliamo del lavoro di infermiere in Italia, Germania e Svizzera. Stipendi, costo della vita, difficoltà nell’apprendere la lingua e altre sfide che si presentano nel trasferirsi all’estero. Non perdetevela!!!
Ciao Bolla, come te la passi in Germania? Si crepa di caldo pure li questi giorni?
Qui tutto bene, grazie. Da qualche giorno si è alzata la temperatura arrivando fino a 41 gradi al sole, cosa poco solita in Germania. Normalmente è di qualche grado più bassa, ma è estate, credo che sia normale che debba fare caldo. Fortunatamente, però, rispetto a Pavia qui il caldo è secco, così come l’inverno. In estate non si suda stando fermi come in pianura padana e in inverno il freddo non ti entra nelle ossa come il nostro umido. Inoltre in inverno, qui a Francoforte non c’è la nebbia, se non per qualche ora nelle vicinanze dei fiumi. Continue reading INTERVISTA #14 – Una volta sposato, eccomi a Francoforte→
Segue una breve intervista alla mia collaboratrice e collega, Laura:
I am Laura, 30 years old and a Business Consultant in London, where I now live for nearly a year.
My first serious job after university was a position as a Business Development Manager for a huge telecommunications company. I got promoted really quickly and worked as an an Account Manager for nearly 3 years before I decided to give my career another twist.
I was very clear about the idea to move to another country to experience the world outside my known remits. I spent nearly my whole life in Frankfurt (I studied abroad but was never longer away than one year) and I felt that a new environment could give me the right impulses for my professional development.
This plan became more and more vivid when I started to feel unsatisfied at work. My company, which was a us american driven company, didn’t support any professional or personal development and had very bad benefits. I also had my boyfriend living in London for 3 years already so it was logical step to search for something new in London. After a short searching period I got to know my current employer the owner of a boutique consultancy . He was looking for a Project Manager and after some meetings I moved to London to start my new position and my new life.